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The Problem With Parents who Make Their Child’s Neurodivergent Diagnosis About Them

TW: autism parents and parents acting like a disabled child means the death of a healthy child.

Paddy and Christine McGuinness did an entire documentary on their children’s autism called Paddy and Christine McGuinness: Our Family and Autism. Yet they still haven’t told their eldest children that they’re autistic. Christine claims it’s because their children are happy with how they are, and she hasn’t found the right time to tell them yet.

However, I buy the second excuse the least. Paddy and Christine have time to talk to journalists and their adoring fans about their children’s autism experiences but not their children.  

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How the Media Discusses Daniel Radcliffe’s Dyspraxia is Outdated and Damaging

In the mid-1990s, I received my dyspraxia diagnosis. Like a lot of women my age, I have read all seven Harry Potter books and have seen every single movie adaption. Full disclosure though: I was a Harry Potter fan before I knew that J. K Rowling is transphobic, and that’s a subject for another article, at another point in time.

As a dyspraxic former Harry Potter nerd though, it’s always a small victory to see an article on Daniel Radcliffe’s dyspraxia. The more the word gets out there about dyspraxia the better because it makes my life a lot easier.