all Disabled Cost of Living features

The Disabled Cost of Living: Food Shopping is Even Harder When You’re Gluten Free

Millions of people are currently struggling to heat their homes, pay their bills and afford food in the toughest Cost of Living Crisis the UK has seen in 30 years. In our new series, The Disabled Cost of Living, we will hear how disabled people are disproportionately affected, due to their lives already costing more and being valued as less.

During the current cost of living crisis, the price of everyday basics seems daunting enough, without having to navigate a specialist diet alongside it. Yet, the everyday truth for those of us who medically must eat these specialist foods is that our lives are even more expensive. 

The fact is that the cost of a free-from diet is higher than its non-free from counterpart. This becomes all the more frustrating when you remember that this is not a way of life that is chosen, but rather one that is medically prescribed.

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Navigating Trend Cycles with a Chronic Illness

Twee is back, and the difference between 2014 and now is that I have a chronic illness and find myself looking onto the aesthetic more skeptically. In fact, living with a chronic illness has found me looking at the constant cycling of fashion trends with a certain layer of cynicism. 

In a world where what is defined as ‘on trend’ is constantly shifting and changing, it is often difficult to navigate your illness alongside this.