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Playing Games in the Dark – One Blind Gamer Reviews Accessibility Features

Anytime I say I’m a blind gamer, people are perplexed and don’t understand why I would even want to attempt playing video games.

The first thing people need to understand is that the word blind encompasses a broad range of visual disabilities. Being legally blind and completely blind are two different things, but both come with challenges and frustrations. Prevailing public perception is that gaming is limited to those with sight.  

It’s only within the last six years that the gaming industry has seen an increase in AAA games featuring accessibility options. I recently played three of PlayStation 5’s popular titles and will discuss them from the perspective of a legally blind gamer. 

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The Pandemic Made my Industry Accessible, I’m Worried About Going “Back To Normal”

Back when I was legally blind instead of totally blind, I was lured in by covers just as everybody else was. If I spotted a brown boy on the cover, I’d eagerly pick up the book, wishing to read different perspectives and experiences, and even injustices. I knew a lot about my own injustices as a gay blind man, but I was very ignorant of the system’s ways of stomping on POC every chance it got.

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The Wasted Potential of Sightless

Trigger warnings: Violence, Ableism, Suicide 

The subject of disability representation on the silver screen is a conversation that’s been brewing for decades, bubbling in response to contentious releases such as Rain ManMy Left Foot, and Me Before You. Films like Come As You Are and Sia’s Music have brought this conversation to a boiling point, with the disability community demanding “nothing about us without us” in the face of systematic ableism within the wider film industry.