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How Discrimination in STEM Changed My Life

Trigger Warning: workplace ableism and academic ableism, lack of legal protection for students against discrimination.

In December 2019, I was in my first year of university and had accepted an internship in a medical school lab. It was Thursday afternoon in February 2020 and I was walking to my introductory biology class and got a message from the Principal Investigator (PI).

I should come by his office after my immunology exam. Not sure why, I immediately started to worry. I tried to keep calm: he probably wants to discuss my new project. Why worry when there have been no problems? I walked up to his office cautiously. 

He told me to sit down. I obeyed, hearing in his tone that this meeting had been something to fear. He said other people in the lab had a problem with me. While I knew they didn’t particularly like me, I didn’t think they had actual grievances. I was flabbergasted. “What problems? What did I do?” I asked. 

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How People with ADHD are Being Failed in the Workplace

When it comes ADHD, I don’t think I’ve been as adversely affected as I have in the workplace. I’ve been denied promotions, bullied, treated differently and joked about as a result of it. It’s mortifying, wrong and I’ve had enough of it.

Coming out at work has always been a very difficult decision to make and can be scary. I worry about it being used against me or that colleagues will treat me differently if they know. But if I don’t tell my managers then I have to work harder to ‘mask’ my ADHD symptoms or find ways of working that make it easier for me.